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房室ブロックの障害部位がヒス束以下にある場合,従来よりペースメーカー(PM)植込み適応とされ,その障害部位診断は臨床的に重要なこととされている。とくにヒス束内ブロック(BHブロック)は補充収縮がnarrow QRSを示す場合が多いため,ヒス束上ブロック(AHブロック)との鑑別にはヒス束心電図(HBE)が必須である。最近HBEの普及によりBHブロックが少なくないことが注目されている。しかし多数例のBHブロックについて臨床的・電気生理学的に検討した報告は少なく,とくにその長期予後について検討した報告は本邦ではみられない。そこで我々は,BHブロックの自験例42例について検討してその特徴を明らかにし,さらにヒス束下ブロック(HVブロック)と比較し,興味ある所見を得たので報告する。
In 42 patients with intra His bundle block, clini-cal, electrophysiological and long-term follow-up studies were performed and the results were compair-ed in 67 patients with infra His bundle block. Patients with intra His bundle block ranges in age from 34 to 78 years (mean ages 65 years), and 76% were females. Faintness or syncope had occurred in 83%. Hypertension was present in 21 patients (50%) and cardiomegaly as defined by a cardiothoracic ratio>0.5 in 8 patients (19%). Only 3 patients had apparent underlying heart disease. In electrophysiological data, sinus node recovery time prolonged abnormally in one patient, the A-H interval was greater than 120msec in 2 patients and the H'V interval greater than 55msec in one patient. It was considered that intra His bundle block may rarely accompany other conduction dis-turbance. 40 patients (95%) had received artificial cardiac pacemaker. In long-term follow-up 2 patients with artificial cardiac pacemaker died, one with congestive heart failure and the other with a cere-brovascular accident. One of the 2 patients without artificial cardiac pacemaker died suddenly. An arti-ficial cardiac pacemaker therapy is recommended in patient with intra His bundle block due to pre-vent further development of symptoms and sudden death.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.