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近年人工弁置換術の普及はめざましく,症例数の増加とともに様々な合併症がみられるようになってきた。なかでも置換弁心内膜炎(prosthetic valve endocarditis:以下PVEと略す)は死亡率が高く生命予後に関して非常に重篤な合併症であり,本邦においてもいくつかの施設でその報告がなされ1〜4),その重要性が認識されつつある。今回我々は当施設において昭和44年より56年までの13年間にみられたPVE 11例について臨床的ならびに病理学的検討を行い,若干の興味ある知見を得たので報告する。
A clinical and pathological study was performed in 11 cases of prosthetic valve endocarditis (PVE) and these cases were compared with 55 cases of non-operated infective endocarditis (NOE) at Heart Institute of Japan during 1969 to 1981. During this period, 1027 cases underwent prosthetic valve re-placement and PVE occurred in 11 (1.1%). In 6 cases of PVE, Hancock porcine valve was affected which amounted 4.3% of 139 cases of Hancock bio-prosthesis.
In PVE, gram negative bacilli (30%) and fungi (27%) were identified more commonly than in NOE, in which incidence was 8% and 0% respec-tively.
Among 11 cases of PVE, 6 (54.5%) were complicated by cerebral infarction, and this inci-dence was significantly higher (p<0.0001) than in NOE (1.1%). Among 5 deceased patients with PVE, the cause of death was cardiac in 3 and cere-bral infarction in 2.
In tissue valve, vegetation was always located on the cusp, as well as in the host tissue over the sew-ing ring in 1 case. On the other hand, infective endocarditis was recognized only surrounding the sewing ring in mechanical prostheses.

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