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Comparison of the effects of defecation using a bedpan and a bedside commode on the heart rate and oxygen consumption Hisako Kawase 1 , Satsue Hagisawa 1 , Hitomi Suga 1 , Keiko Onizuka 2 , Hiroko Kubo 3 , Hiroko Terada 4 , Yumiko Furukawa 5 , Yuko Yagi 6 , Kazuya Hayasaki 7 1Department of Nursing, Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University 2Miyazaki Chuo High School, ret. 3Kanagawa Medical Center for Adults, ret. 4Kudamatsu Memorial Hospital 5Nagasaki University Hospital 6Kumamoto University Hospital 7Department of Cardiology, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital pp.51-58
Published Date 1986/1/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404204804
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In the attempt to determine the least taxing of the methods of defecation using a bedpan in a supine, a bedpan in a 30° semirecumbent position and a bedside commode for the heart rate and oxygen consumption in 6 normal volunteers, we found the following: 1. The heart rate increased in actions before and after defecation in the same manner as in actions during defecation with either of the 3 meth-ods.

2. Cardiac stress due to actions before and after defecation was small with the use of a bedpan, but the duration of defecation was longer; associat-ed with more frequent straining efforts.

3. With the use of a bedpan in a 30° semire-cumbent position, cardiac stress, the duration of defecation and the frequency of straining efforts were the same as those with the use of a bedpan in a supine position. The method of using a bedpan in a 30° semirecumbent position does not seem advantageous over the method of using a bedpan in a supine position.

4. With the use of a bedside commode, cardiac stress was small during defecation, but oxygen con-sumption for pre- and post defecation's actions was larger than it with the use of a bedpan.

5. Metabolic equivalents (METS) during defeca-tion with either of the three methods was 2.0 or less and lower than literature data.

Copyright © 1986, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


