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Interrelation between plasma norepinephrine and cardiovascular response to exercise in healthy young adults, aged and patients with ischemic heart disease Kiyoaki Takahashi 1 , Ichiro Yamaguchi 1 , Haru Fukuyama 1 , Eiichi Komatsu 1 , Kozui Miyazawa 1 1Department of Clinical Laboratory, Yamagata University School of Medicine pp.391-395
Published Date 1985/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404204632
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The relationship between plasma norepinephrine concentration (NE) and cardiovascular response to supine exercise was studied in 20 healthy young adults, 13 aged and 21 patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD).

NE concentration at rest was significantly higher in the aged and IHD (p<0.005) than in the young adults (259±27, 431±60 and 159±21 pg/ml, respectively). In the young, NE exhibited exponen-tial increase and decrease associated with the chan-ges in heart rate (HR) during exercise and recov-ery, respectively. At the level of maximum exercise, NE in IHD (1347±249 pg/ml) was significantly high (p<0.005) as compared with those in the young and the aged (650±58 and 782±166 pg/ml). Thus, the degree of the increment in NE during maximum exercise was larger in IHD than in the young and the aged, while the increases in HR and systolic blood pressure (BPs) were lower in the aged and IHD (p<0.005) than in the young (changes in HR ; 48±5, 46±6 and 105±3 beats/min ; changes in BPs ; 41±7, 38±7 and 83±3 mmHg). These demonstrated that cardiac response to sympa-thetic nervous activity during exercise diminished in the aged and IHD. Beta blockade treatment in IHD has no influence on the changes in NE during exercise, but inhibited the increases in HR and BPs.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


