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A 45-year-old woman with total uterectomy 4 months ago, was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea and precordial pain. Cardiomegaly with cardiothoracic ratio 0.54 and slightly enlarged pulmonary conus on the chest x-ray, and inverted T in lead V1 to V3, deep S in lead V6 and so called SIQIII pattern with right axis deviation in ECG were found. Echocardiogram showed dilated right ventricle and the signs of pulmonary hyper-tension. Multiple defects were observed on lung perfusion scan. All these findings pointed strongly to a diagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism.
Although initially she was treated successfully with heparin and urokinase, two months after that she complained of precordial pain and showed severe hypotension. Further treatment using dopamine and increased doses of heparin and urokinase brought her gradual improvement. But, 5 days later, she complained suddenly of precordial pain, showing cyanosis and fell into a seemingly incurable state of shock. After intubation, Swan-Ganz catheter was inserted into pulmonary artery, through which large dose of urokinase was injected with bolus. About 2 hours after injection, she showed remarkable improvement, and subsequently lung perfusion scan confirmed revascularization of pulmonary artery.
This case was considered to be rare because recurrent and massive pulmonary thromboembolism occurred during short interval after operation and yet the patient was saved.
This suggest that direct infusion of large dose of urokinase into pulmonary artery is an effective treatment for pulmonary thromboembolism, es-pecially in acute phase.

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