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進行性筋ジストロフィー症(progressive muscular dys—trophy,PMD)では僧帽弁逸脱症(mitral valve pro—lapse,MVP)が高頻度に合併することが報告されている1〜6)。MVPの成因に対しても検討されているが,その主要な要因としては,左室心筋や乳頭筋の変性および線維化による左室のasynergyや乳頭筋の機能不全が報告されている2〜4)。
The causative mechanisms of mitral valve prolapse (MVP) were evaluated in 58 patients (pts) with progressive muscular dystrophy (PMD). Two possible causes, 1) left ventricular (LV) dysfunction and 2) thorax and thoracic spine deformities were assessed. Pts were classified into three groups by echocardiographic findings. Group 1 (GI) : 31 pts MVP, G2 : 11 pts c MVP by M-mode echocardiogram only, G3 : 16 pts c MVP by both twodimensional and M-mode echocardiograms.
LV functions evaluated by systolic time intervals and fractional shortening showed no significant differences among three groups.
The degree of scoliosis of the thoracic spine defined by chest plain film was not related to the incidence of MVP. On the other hand, the pts with anteriorly deformed thoracic spines were found to have a very high incidence of MVP as follows. Lordotic or straight spines were found in 32.3%, 100%, 93.8% in Gl, G2 and G3 respectively. And the incidence of MVP in cases with kyphosis, straight spine and lordosis was 4.8%, 66.7% and 77.8% respectively.
The shape of the thorax defined as the ratio of anteroposterior (AP) internal diameter and transverse internal diameter was more flattened in G2 and G3 than in G1.
From these results, we concluded as follows :
1) Depressions of LV function were not related to the incidence of MVP.
2) The lordotic or straight spines and the thoraces with short AP internal thoracic diameters were thought to be major factors for the occurrence of MVP in PMD.

Copyright © 1984, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.