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日本人の冠疾患の発生頻度は米国人に比しておよそ十分の一で,その死亡は高齢者に多く,本疾患の予後も比較的良いといわれる7,8)。日本人としては比較的早期に発症した例は,日本人の本疾患の特徴を有していると考えられる。以上の点から,そのような例の冠状動脈病変に特徴があるか否かにつき,冠疾患の進行がCoronary Risk Factorsにより修飾される可能性を勘案しつつ,50歳未満の日本人臨床的冠疾患50例の冠状動脈造影所見を調べ,欧米の若年者のそれと比較した。
The progression of coronary artery disease (CAD) up to the onset of the symptoms has not been documented. A review of the anatomical changes in coronary arteries of relatively young patients with CAD would supply some ideas to construct a concept of the progression of CAD. From this point of view, we analysed the coronary arteriograms of 50 patients with symptomatic CAD under age of 50 (20 to 49, mean 43. 2) whose coronary systems had at least50% narrowing in one or more major branches.
The incidence of one, two and three vessel disease and left main coronary artery disease was 48, 22, 28 and 2% respectively. 50 to 60% of significantly affected vessels showed severe narrowing more than 90% in diameter. As others reported, involvement of left anterior descending branch (LAD) was the most frequent, however, the incidence of total occlusion to the significantly obstructed vessels was low in LAD (9%) and right coronary artery (RCA, 10%), while high in left circumflex branch (LCX, 30%). Development of collateral vessels was observed only in 13 patients whose coronary obstructions were relatively severe and multiple.

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