

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


The Effects of Some Coronary Vasodilators upon the Pulsatile Coronary Blood Flow Pattern Fumio Takei 1 1Department of Medicine, School of Medicine, Keio University pp.639-647
Published Date 1969/7/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1404202050
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The effects of coronary vasodilators in-cluding dipyridamole (DIP), nitroglycerin (NTG), and theophylline ethylendiaminc (TED), on hemodynamics were studied in nine open-chest dogs.

A marked and continuous increase in co-ronary blood flow was caused by DIP accom-panied by a decrease in coronary vascular resistance and an increase in coronary sinus oxygen tension.

A decrease in tension-time index (TTI) induced three minutes after the injection of NTG was significant. An increase in heart rate was transiently found immediately after the injection of NTG.

Coronary vascular resistance and TTI were decreased immediately after the injection of TED, but after three minutes no significant changes were found.

Two types of the distribution of coronary blood flow recorded by electromagnetic flow-meter were observed during cardiac cycle. In one group, both of systolic and diastolic blood flow were increased, and in the other, only diastolic coronary blood flow was incr-eased.

In the former group, mean coronary vas-cular resistance was decreased, while in some of the latter group, mean coronary vascular resistance was unchanged.

From the view point of coronary vascular resistance (CVR), these were divided into three groups: group A, group B and group C.

In group A, mean CVR decreased and end-diastolic CVR increased or remained unchan-ged.

In group B, mean CVR increased or re-mained unchanged and end-diastolic CVR decreased.

In group C, both of mean CVR and end-diastolic CVR decreased.

Less case was found in group A. In group B, cases among NTG and TED group occu-pied majority.

Changes in CVR in group C were most frequently seen after injection of all three coronary vasodilators.

No particular changes in mean coronary blood flow, heart rate, mean aortic pressure and TTI could be found in group B.

However, in group C, an increase in mean coronary blood flow and heart rate and a decrease in mean aortic pressure were found.

Although DIP induced change in CVR of group C and increased coronary oxygen ten-sion, the other two which induced change in CVR of group C did not increase in coronary sinus oxygen tension.

Copyright © 1969, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1200 印刷版ISSN 0452-3458 医学書院


