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要旨●患者は50歳代,男性.逆流性食道炎に対し,10年以上前からランソプラゾールおよびボノプラザンの内服加療中であった.当院で受けたスクリーニング目的のEGDで,胃NET 3病変が指摘された.精査の結果,Rindi分類のI〜III型および壁細胞機能不全のいずれにも当てはまらず,PPI/P-CABの長期内服に伴う高ガストリン血症を背景とした多発胃NETと考えられた.P-CABの休薬に伴い,病変は縮小傾向ではあったが残存していたため,ESDを行った.病理結果は3病変いずれもNET G1であった.
A man in his fifties who had been consuming a PPI(proton pump inhibitor)and P-CAB(potassium-competitive acid blocker)for >10 years underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy that detected three NETs(neuroendocrine tumors)in the gastric body. Following detailed examinations, parietal cell dysfunction was excluded, and NETs did not meet the criteria for the Rindi classification types I-III. Multiple NETs due to hypergastrinemia associated with the long-term use of PPI and P-CAB were considered. Following P-CAB cessation, the lesions remained ; however, their size had reduced. Therefore we performed endoscopic submucosal dissection of the lesions. Histopathologically, the patient was diagnosed with NET G1 for all lesions.

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