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要旨●患者は50歳代,女性.上部消化管内視鏡検査で胃底腺領域内に10個前後の発赤調の粘膜下腫瘍(SMT)様隆起があり,背景粘膜は肥厚様であった.SMT様隆起の生検病理検査は神経内分泌腫瘍(NET)の所見であった.血清ガストリンは著増していたが,抗胃壁細胞抗体および抗内因子抗体は陰性,胃以外に内分泌腫瘍を認めなかった.1cm大の2病変に対し,内視鏡的粘膜切除術を施行し,腫瘍部はNET G1であり,病理組織学的に背景粘膜の胃底腺に過形成性変化を認めた.後日,プロトンポンプのαサブユニットをコードするATP4A遺伝子に病的バリアントを認めることが判明し,胃壁細胞機能不全を原因とするIV型胃NETと診断した.
This is a case of a 50s Japanese woman who underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy, which revealed approximately 10 reddish submucosal tumors in the fundus and body of the stomach and many small hemispherical protrusions on the background mucosa. No atrophic change was observed in type I gastric NETs(neuroendocrine tumors), and the background mucosa was rather a hyperplastic change. Serum gastrin levels were markedly increased, and both serum antiparietal cell and anti-intrinsic factor antibodies were negative. No neoplastic lesions were observed in the organs other than the stomach. The diagnosis of gastric NET due to gastric wall cell dysfunction was established based on the finding of pathological mutations in proton pump-related genes in the genetic test, which failed to correspond to any of the types I to III of Rindi's classification.

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