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要旨●胃の非腫瘍性病変のうち,(亜)有茎性のポリープの形態を呈した,胃底腺ポリープ(FGP),過形成性ポリープ(HP),若年性ポリープ(JP),炎症性線維性ポリープ(IFP),異所性膵(EP),異所性胃腺(HGM)を,H. pylori感染の有無やA型胃炎などの背景粘膜別に症例を中心に解説した.H. pylori感染率が高かった時代はHPが最も多かったが,感染率の低下に伴いFGPの発見頻度が高くなっている.さらにH. pylori未感染胃に発赤調ポリープを認めた場合,腺窩上皮型HPなどの非腫瘍性ポリープとラズベリー型胃癌や胃底腺型腺癌を鑑別する必要がある.またHPとその他のポリープとの鑑別診断が難しい症例もあるが,HPは隆起全体に背景粘膜の表面構造に類似した腺窩上皮や窩間部の開大などの過形成性変化を認め,JPは分葉傾向が乏しく棍棒状で表面平滑,IFPはSMT様隆起で頂部に炎症性びらんを伴うことがある.EPは,前庭部ではdelleを伴うSMTの典型的な形態を呈しているが,胃体部では丈の高いSMT様隆起や平板状隆起を呈するためGISTなどとの鑑別診断が難しく,EUSでは固有筋層の肥厚所見を呈することが多い.HGMは,H. pylori感染胃では胃体部に多発するびまん型,未感染胃では穹窿部に有茎性の孤発型を認める.
Among non-neoplastic gastric lesions, this paper reports the FGP(fundic gland polyps), HP(hyperplastic polyps), JP(juvenile polyps), IFP(inflammatory fibrous polyps), EP(ectopic pancreas), and HGM(heterotopic gastric mucosa)with(semi)pedunculated polyp morphology based on Helicobacter pylori infections and submucosa such as type A chronic gastritis. The most common gastric polyp was the HP when the rate of H. pylori infection was high. However, the presence of FGP increased as the rate of infection decreased. Non-neoplastic polyps(e.g., foveolar-type hyperplastic polyp, raspberry-like low-grade gastric cancer, and gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type)must be differentiated when a reddish gastric polyp is confirmed in a case without H. pylori infection. HP present hyperplastic changes(e.g., widening of the intervening part throughout), JP present a clavate with a smooth surface and poor lobulation, and IFP appear as a submucosal tumor-like ridge with inflammatory top erosion. EP present a typical morphology of a submucosal tumor with nodules in the antrum, but they appear to be submucosal tumors or flat ridges in the gastric corpus. Therefore, differential diagnosis from GIST is difficult. Moreover, the appropriate muscular layer appears thick on endoscopic ultrasound. Gastric corpus erosions and sporadic pedunculated type in the fundus are common in HGM with and without H. pylori infections, respectively.

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