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X-ray Diagnosis for Scirrhous Gastric Cancer Yosuke Iriguchi 1 , Johji Oda 1 , Yasuhiro Tomino 1 , Nobukazu Yorimitsu 1 , Takayoshi Sonoda 1 , Daisuke Kishi 1 , Makiko Hashimoto 1 , Akiko Nakagawara 1 , Nobuaki Kiryu 1 , Takayoshi Shimizu 1 , Masaru Mizutani 2 , Tetsuro Yamazato 2 , Shin Namiki 3 , Masatsugu Nagahama 4 , Akihiko Yamamura 5 , Tozo Hosoi 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo 2Department of Gastroenterology, Ebara Hospital, Tokyo 3Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Tama Medical Center, Tokyo 4Department of Gastroenterology, Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital, Yokohama, Japan 5Department of Pathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo Keyword: 胃癌 , 診断 , 4型 , スキルス , linitis plastica pp.779-793
Published Date 2020/5/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403202052
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 In this study, we divided type 4 advanced gastric cancer into three broad types on the basis of the primary tumor site, namely, “fundic gland”, “borderline zone of the fundic gland”, and “antral gland” types, and investigated their clinicopathological characteristics over time. The incidence of type 4 advanced gastric cancer in Japan decreased from 13.8% in 1984 to 6.5% in 2014. In our hospital, 93 patients were diagnosed with this cancer in the past 29 years ; they were divided into two groups based on their date of diagnosis(pre- and post-2008)to examine the differences in the incidence of each type of cancer in the two groups. Our results showed that the fundic gland type decreased, whereas the borderline zone of the fundic gland and antral gland types increased in the later phase compared with the former phase. In the fundic gland type, the primary lesions were ≦25mm in size, deeply depressed, and histologically classified as undifferentiated adenocarcinoma in both pre- and post-2008 groups. In contrast, in the borderline zone of the fundic gland type, the primary lesions were ≧50mm in size and shallowly depressed, and the incidence of mixed histological types increased in the later phase. Results of infection tests for H. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)showed that all 45 patients in the former phase were infected with H. pylori. In the latter phase, 42 patients were infected with H. pylori, 2 were uninfected, and 4 had H. pylori eradicated. All the uninfected cases had the fundic gland cancer type with the primary lesions located in the cardia(one patient)and lesser curvature of lower gastric body(one patient). In the eradicated cases, the cancer types were:fundic gland(one patient), borderline zone of the fundic gland(two patients), and antral gland(one patient).

Copyright © 2020, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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