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要旨●PG type隆起型早期大腸癌に対する注腸X線造影検査の深達度診断について検討した.まず肉眼形態の相違から,分葉型と単結節型に分類したところ,腺腫併存率は,それぞれ83.5%,59.3%であった.分葉型では,分葉間の開大/陥凹の有無によって,pT1b(SM≧1,000μm)は,88.9%,7.6%であった.単結節型では,表面平滑,不整に分けると,pT1b(SM≧1,000μm)は,5.1%,32.8%であった.側面像の検討では,腫瘍径が10〜20mmで,かつSM≧2,000μmの28例中20例(71.4%)に側面変形を認めた.側面変形は,硬化所見を示唆する直線化と伸展不良を示唆する陥凹変形を共に認める場合のみ,SM深部浸潤に伴う側面変形ありと診断した.隆起型早期大腸癌に対する注腸X線造影撮影法は,陥凹の有無や分葉間の開大の有無を明確にするために,バリウムを頂部まで流しバリウム量を変えて正面像を撮影し,側面像は体位変換を繰り返し,再現性のある変形であるかどうかをリアルタイムに確認して撮影することが重要である.
We investigated the accuracy of the assessment of depth of invasion of polypoid growth-type protruded early colorectal cancer using barium enema X-ray examination. Based on gross morphological differences, tumors were classified into lobular or single nodular types. In lobular-type tumors, a high incidence of adenoma components was observed(82.6%). Of the 36 cases in which widening of the interlobular space and flat, depressed, and protruded lesions were observed, 32 cases(94.1%)were pT1b(SM≧1,000μm). In single nodular type tumors, the incidence of adenoma components was low(59.3%), and 92.1% of tumors with smooth gross morphology were Tis. Among the cases with pT1b tumors, 27 cases did not show widening of the interlobular space and 11 cases exhibited smooth, single nodular protruding-type tumors, for which the imaging side views served as the diagnostic clue. However, for tumors with a diameter of 10-20mm, they were useful for diagnosing pT1b. In barium enema X-ray examination, confirming the reproducibility of deformity in the side view during imaging is important.

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