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要旨●患者は60歳代,男性.通常観察で胸部下部食道に径7mm大の辺縁隆起を伴うやや深い陥凹性病変を認め,脱気にて縦皺は病変内に入らず,陥凹の形態変化は乏しく硬さを有していた.NBI拡大観察では陥凹内全体がB2血管で占められており,EUSでは辺縁隆起部まで含め均一な低エコー腫瘤として描出され,SM層は圧排・菲薄化していた.以上より深達度T1b-SM2と判断したが,臨床的にリンパ節転移を認めず,患者・家族と相談のうえESD+CRTの方針とした.病理診断ではINFc浸潤を呈する低分化型扁平上皮癌が粘膜下層に深部浸潤しており,脈管侵襲陽性でびまん性にCK7陽性であった.追加治療としてCRT(RT 40Gy,LongT+FP2コース)を施行したが,CRT終了8か月後のCTで照射野内の下行大動脈周囲縦隔ならびに#1および#2のリンパ節転移再発を認めた.その後,追加化学療法を行うも,ESD施行から約1年10か月後に原病死した.
A man in his 60s undergoing conventional esophagoscopy for surveillance was found to have a deeply depressed lesion(7mm)with marginal elevation. After observation with insufficient air supply, the lesion had no vertical fold and a firm consistently because of the loss of change in form. Narrow-band imaging with magnification of the depressed area revealed Type B2 microvessels throughout, and endoscopic ultrasound showed that the low echoic lesion extended around the muscular layers, suggesting a massive invasion of the submucosal layer. ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection)followed by CRT(chemoradiotherapy)was planned according to the study protocols(study ID JCOG0508). Histopathology revealed poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma with massive submucosal invasion, infiltrative growth pattern, and lymphovascular involvement. Immunohistochemistry showed diffuse cytokeratin 7. Although additional CRT was applied(RT 40 Gy including Long T field, FP 2 course), multiple lymph node metastases in the radiotherapy field occurred 8 months after CRT. The patient died of primary cancer at 22 months after ESD despite additional chemotherapy.

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