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要旨●H. pylori未感染者のラズベリー様腺窩上皮型胃癌32例39病変の臨床病理学的特徴を検討し,8病変の全ゲノム解析を行った.年齢は中央値57(38〜78)歳,男女比は21:11,腫瘍は中央値3(1〜6)mm,すべてUM領域に発生し,6例は多発癌であった.白色光像ではいわゆるラズベリー様外観を呈し,NBI拡大像では不整な乳頭状/脳回様構造を呈した.すべて上皮内病変であったが,Ki-67 labeling indexは中央値62.0(4.4〜96.5)%と高値を示した.腫瘍数(多発vs. 単発)と背景因子の検討では,喫煙(83.3% vs. 34.6%,p<0.05),飲酒(66.6% vs. 30.7%,p=0.12),男性(p=0.059),胃底腺ポリープ併存(100% vs. 57.7%,p=0.059)で多発癌を多く認めた.ゲノム解析ではKLF4遺伝子のDNA結合ドメイン内で共通するSNVsを認め,CNVsは半数以上で染色体1p,9q,17qでの増幅および6qや18qでの欠失を認めた.
We analyzed clinicopathological characteristics of “Raspberry-like foveolar-type gastric adenocarcinoma” in H. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)-uninfected patients. Median patient age was 57 years(range, 38-78), and male to female ratio was 21 to 11. All lesions occurred in the upper or middle part of the stomach, and 6 patients had synchronous multiple lesions. White-light endoscopy showed a “raspberry-like appearance”, and magnification endoscopy with narrow-band imaging showed irregularly shaped papillary or gyrus-like microstructures. All lesions were determined to be intraepithelial neoplasms, however Ki-67 labeling index was high, with a median value of 62%(range, 4.4-96.5%). Multiple lesions were found more frequently than single lesion in smoking patients(83.3% vs. 34.6%, p<0.05), patients who consumed alcohol(66.6% vs. 30.7%, p=0.12), male patients(p=0.059), and in patients with fundic gland polyps(100% vs. 57.7%, p=0.59).

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