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Endoscopic Diagnosis of H. pylori Uninfected Gastric Epithelial Tumor:Raspberry-like Foveolar-type Gastric Adenocarcinoma Kotaro Shibagaki 1 , Tsuyoshi Mishiro 2 , Kosaku Kawashima 2 , Norihisa Ishimura 2 , Mamiko Nagase 3 , Asuka Araki 3 , Noriyoshi Ishikawa 3 , Riruke Maruyama 3 , Shunji Ishihara 2 1Endoscopy Division, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Izumo, Japan 2Department of Gastroenterology, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Izumo, Japan 3Pathology Division, Shimane University Faculty of Medicine Hospital, Izumo, Japan Keyword: 胃癌 , ラズベリー , 腺窩上皮型 , Helicobacter pylori , 未感染 pp.1043-1050
Published Date 2020/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403202093
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 We analyzed clinicopathological characteristics of “Raspberry-like foveolar-type gastric adenocarcinoma” in H. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)-uninfected patients. Median patient age was 57 years(range, 38-78), and male to female ratio was 21 to 11. All lesions occurred in the upper or middle part of the stomach, and 6 patients had synchronous multiple lesions. White-light endoscopy showed a “raspberry-like appearance”, and magnification endoscopy with narrow-band imaging showed irregularly shaped papillary or gyrus-like microstructures. All lesions were determined to be intraepithelial neoplasms, however Ki-67 labeling index was high, with a median value of 62%(range, 4.4-96.5%). Multiple lesions were found more frequently than single lesion in smoking patients(83.3% vs. 34.6%, p<0.05), patients who consumed alcohol(66.6% vs. 30.7%, p=0.12), male patients(p=0.059), and in patients with fundic gland polyps(100% vs. 57.7%, p=0.59).

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


