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要旨●乳頭部腫瘍を除く十二指腸腫瘍の内視鏡切除例について13施設にアンケート調査を行い,1,397例を集計した(1993〜2016年7月).穿孔は7.0%(98/1,397),うち術中が5.4%(75/1,397),遅発性が1.6%(23/1,397)であった.後出血は3.6%(50/1,397)であった.穿孔率を手技別にみると,ESDで16.2%(72/445)と最も高かった.穿孔例における緊急手術の割合は,25.5%(25/98)であった.時代的変遷をみると後期では全体に占めるESDの割合は41%から27%へと低下していた.後期にはcold snare polypectomyやunderwater EMRなどの新しい手技が試みられているが,十二指腸の内視鏡治療の一般化はまだ時期尚早と思われた.
We conducted a survey(involving 13 medical facilities)regarding the results of endoscopic resections in a total of 1,397 cases ; papillary tumors of the duodenum were not included in our survey. Perforated cases were 7.0%(75/1,397)of the total ; there were 5.4%(75/1,397)cases of intraoperative perforation and 1.6%(22/1,397)cases of delayed perforation. Postoperative hemorrhage occurred in 3.6%(50/1,397)of cases. With respect to procedure, endoscopic submucosal dissection(ESD)was the most commonly performed procedure(16%)in perforated cases. The proportion of ESD in the total cases decreased from 41% to 27% during these 5 years. Although new procedures such as cold snare polypectomy and underwater endoscopic mucosal resection have commenced during these 5 years, endoscopic treatment for duodenal tumors has not yet been generalized.

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