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要旨 乳頭部腫瘍を除く十二指腸腫瘍の内視鏡切除例について13施設にアンケート調査を行い,421例を集計した.穿孔例は12%(52/421),うち術中穿孔が9.3%(39/421),遅発性穿孔が3.1%(13/421)であった.手技別にみると,EMRでは3.9%(10/254),ESDでは24%(40/167),遅発性穿孔もそれぞれ1.2%,6%と,ESDで高かった.部位別にみると,球部と下行脚以深では穿孔全体では差がないが,遅発性穿孔に限ると,球部0.8%に対して下行脚以深4.1%と高い頻度でみられた.後出血は6.7%(28/421)であった.緊急手術は,2.6%(11/421)に認められた.術中穿孔例中で緊急手術となった症例は18%(7/39),同様に遅発性穿孔で23%(3/13),後出血で3.6%(1/28)に認められた.
We conducted a survey(involving 13 medical facilities)concerning the results of endoscopic resection in a total of 421 cases, but papilla tumors of the duodenum were not included in our survey. Perforated cases were 12%(52/421)of the total, 9.3% were of intraoperative perforation(39/421), 3.1% were of delayed perforation(13/421), respectively. By procedure, intraoperative perforation was 3.9% in EMR(10/254), 24% in ESD(40/167)and delayed perforation was 1.2%and 6% respectively. By region, delayed peforation was 0.8% in the duodenal bulb and 4.1% in the duodenal second and third portion. Hemorrhage occurred in 6.7%(28/421)and emergency surgery was carried out in 2.6%(11/421)of cases. In cases of emergency surgery intraoperative perforation occurred in 18%(7/39)and delayed perforation occurred in 23% as well(3/13). Post operative hemorrhage occurred in 3.6%(1/28).

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