

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Determination of indications for endoscopic treatment and pretreatment risk assessment in superficial esophageal cancer Shigetaka Yoshinaga 1,2 , Mitsunori Kusuhara 1 , Yasuhiko Mizuguchi 1 , Seiichiro Abe 1 , Satoru Nonaka 1 , Taiki Hashimoto 3 , Yutaka Saito 1 1Endoscopy Division, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan 2Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer Detection Center, Tokyo, Japan 3Department of Diagnostic Pathology, National Cancer Center Hospital, Tokyo, Japan Keyword: esophagus , superficial , endoscopic treatment , preoperative diagnosis , risk assessment pp.1109-1113
Published Date 2024/8/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.24479/endo.0000001546
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 Esophageal cancer can be treated by endoscopic treatment, surgery, or chemoradiotherapy, depending on its progression. The indications for endoscopic treatment of superficial esophageal cancer are determined based on “depth”, “circumferentiality” and “longitudinal diameter” for squamous cell carcinoma; treatment is recommended when lesions are non-circumferential with the preoperative depth diagnosis T1a-EP/LPM, or, if totally circumferential, with a long diameter of 5cm or less, or, when non-circumferential, with the preoperative depth diagnosis T1a-MM. Adenocarcinomas with the preoperative depth diagnosis T1a-M without any undifferentiated component are also recommended for treatment. The risk of treatment is complicated by multiple factors, including the functioning of organs such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys; comorbidities such as diabetes and heart disease; history of esophageal cancer, lung cancer, or pharyngeal cancer; and mental status such as alcohol dependence. A thorough preoperative evaluation is necessary with additional treatment in mind.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0915-3217 東京医学社


