

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Endocytoscopy can Predict Venous and Lymphatic Vessel Permeation: a Retrospective Study Kenichi Takeda 1 , Shin-ei Kudo 1 , Toyoki Kudo 1 , Kunihiko Wakamura 1 , Atsushi Katagiri 1 , Hideyuki Miyachi 1 , Eiji Hidaka 1 , Fumio Ishida 1 , Haruhiro Inoue 2 1Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Yokohama Northern Hospital, Yokohama, Japan 2Digestive Disease Center, Showa University Koto-Toyosu Hospital, Tokyo Keyword: endocytoscopy , NBI , EC-NBI , 静脈侵襲 , リンパ管侵襲 pp.703-707
Published Date 2015/5/24
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403200298
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 EC(endocytoscopy)enables observation of in vivo cells and nuclei at 400-fold magnification and provides detailed information regarding lesions. EC-NBI(Endocytoscopic narrow-band imaging)provides detailed information regarding tumor vessels. The aim of our study was to evaluate the possibility of EC with regard to prediction of venous and lymphatic vessel permeation. Using EC-NBI images, we defined the average scale of four vessels as vessel diameter and defined the proportion between maximum and minimum portion of the vessel as vessel caliber variation. This study comprised observations on 87 colorectal differentiated adenocarcinomas. The venous vessel permeations were negative in 51 lesions and positive in 36 lesions. The lymphatic vessel permeations were negative in 64 lesions and positive in 23 lesions. We analyzed the correlation between vessel diameter or vessel caliber variation and venous or lymphatic vessel permeation. The mean vessel diameter of venous permeation negative tumors was 30.4 μm, while positive tumors had a mean of 39.3μm(p=0.01)in T1 carcinomas. In lymphatic vessel permeation, the mean vessel diameter of lymphatic permeation-negative tumors was 32.2 μm, while that of positive tumors was 37.0μm(p=0.045)in T1 carcinomas. The mean vessel caliber variation of venous permeation-positive tumors was larger than that of negative tumors in T1, T2, and T3 carcinomas. There were differences in vessel diameter and vessel caliber variation between venous permeation-positive tumors and -negative tumors, particularly in T1carcinomas. This study suggests that EC has the potential to evaluate venous and lymphatic vessel permeation by observing vessel formation.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


