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要旨 大腸限局性病変および正常粘膜,計75病変をprobe-type endocytoscopeで観察した.当該病変の病理組織結果および内視鏡画像を知らない病理医が,endocytoscopy画像を診断し,最終病理組織診断と対比した.endocytoscopy診断の正診率は93.3%,Kappa valueは0.910であり,病理診断と有意な相関を示した.endocytoscopyによる腫瘍と非腫瘍の鑑別診断能は母集団が少ないが100%,sm以深癌の診断率は感度92.3%,特異度100%であった.最近,通常の拡大内視鏡とendocytoscopyが一体となったscopeが開発された.通常観察,拡大観察,450倍の超拡大観察が1本のscopeで連続的に施行可能となった.今後,さらなる症例の蓄積により,診断能向上への寄与が期待される.
The subjects were 113 consecutive patients who underwent a complete colonic examination. Endocytoscopic examination was performed on 75 localized colorectal lesions including normal mucosa with a probe-type endocytoscope. The design was prospective. A pathologist, who was blinded to the conventional colonoscopic views and to the final histologic diagnosis, made a diagnosis of the endocytoscopic images by reviewing the digital files of the images. The endocytoscopic diagnosis corresponded well with the final histological diagnosis with a 93.3% accuracy rate and a kappa value of 0.910. The differential diagnosis between neoplastic and non-neoplastic lesions was 100% correct. The sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic ability of endocytoscopy on invasive cancer among the neoplastic lesions were 92.3% and 100%, respectively.
Integrated-type endocytoscopy has been developed recently, providing an ordinary view, a magnified view up to ×80, and a highly magnified view of ×450 without any extra equipment. It is expected that the ultra-high magnified views will add more information to conventional magnification and make the diagnosis even more precise.

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