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要旨 患者は69歳,男性.胃X線検診で噴門部に異常を指摘され,精査目的で当センターを受診した.上部内視鏡検査では,噴門部に白苔を伴う深い潰瘍と辺縁に不整な陥凹面を認め,周囲には粘膜下層浸潤に伴うなだらかな周堤様隆起を認めた.生検組織診断では中~低分化型腺癌であった.精密X線検査は,腹部食道への浸潤と病変周囲の伸展不良所見が明瞭であり,Type 3と診断した.H. pylori除菌歴はなく,血清H. pylori抗体陰性(<3U/ml),PG(pepsinogen)法陰性,病理組織像でもH. pylori菌は認められず,内視鏡像でも萎縮性変化を認めなかった.X線検診の基準撮影法1で撮影されたX線造影像では,粘膜像,ひだの性状,ひだの分布からH. pylori未感染と考えられる所見を呈していた.病理組織診断は,大きさ50×50mm,pType 3,pT4a(SE),moderately differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma,ly3,v2,pN3a,tub2>por2>tub1>muc,large intestinal typeであった.Barrett食道は認めなかった.以上から,本症例は,H. pylori陰性の噴門部進行胃癌と診断した.
The patient was a 69-year-old man who was referred to our centre for a detailed examination after an abnormality in the gastric cardiac region was noted in a stomach X-ray examination. The patient had no history of Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori)eradication, was negative for serum H. pylori antibodies(<3), was serum pepsinogen method-negative, and histopathological findings revealed no H. pylori bacteria. The patient was diagnosed with type 3 advanced gastric cancer with no atrophic changes based on the results of an upper endoscopy and a detailed X-ray examination. The histopathological diagnosis was large intestinal type moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma 50×50mm in size, ptype 3, T4a(SE), ly3, v2, pN3a, tub2>por2>tub1muc. We were able to diagnose this patient as uninfected with H. pylori based on mucosal pattern, fold characteristics, and distribution with standard X-ray imaging technique 1.

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