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要旨 虫垂杯細胞カルチノイドと診断した11手術例を対象として,臨床病理学的特徴の検索を行い,本腫瘍の生物学的態度,すなわち悪性度について再考した.その結果,(1)組織学的に粘液産生細胞,好銀性細胞,銀還元性細胞,Paneth細胞などの多彩な成熟細胞から構成される腫瘍である,(2)全例に神経周囲浸潤を認め,リンパ管,静脈への脈管侵襲も高度である,(3)手術の時点で回腸,盲腸への浸潤が7例にみられ,全例にリンパ節転移を伴う,(4)腹膜播種の傾向がある,(5)11例中3例が術後2年以内に原病死している,ことが明らかとなった.これらを根拠に,本腫瘍は通常の腺癌と同様に十分な悪性性格を有することを強調した.粘液形質の免疫組織学的検索にて,11例中6例が腸型(MUC2のみ陽性),1例のみが胃腸混合型(MUC2,MUC5AC両陽性)であった.また,ミスマッチ修復遺伝子蛋白の発現も検討したが,全例において発現の低下は認められず,組織発生において,これらの欠損や機能異常の関連が低いことが示唆された.
GCC(Goblet cell carcinoid)of the appendix is an uncommon neoplasm, and its malignant potential remains unclear. This study aimed to elucidate the clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of appendiceal GCC and to determine whether it should be regarded as an adenocarcinoma or a variant of classic carcinoid tumor. We reviewed 11 cases(eight men, three women; median age 53.5 years). Histologically, the tumors were composed of mature epithelial cells such as mucus-producing cells and Paneth cells. Perineural invasion was observed in all cases. The rate of lymphatic permeation and venous invasion was high(72.7%). Seven patients were treated by ileocecal resection, and all tumors showed lymph nodal metastases. Five patients continue to be alive and asymptomatic, whereas three died within 24 months from peritonitis carcinomatosa. On the basis of these results, we emphasize that appendiceal GCC has distinctive clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features portraying an aggressive behavior as well as adenocarcinomatous features.

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