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要旨 大腸鋸歯状病変は現在のWHO分類(2010)では,(1)過形成ポリープ(hyperplastic polyp ; HP),(2)鋸歯状腺腫(traditional serrated adenoma ; TSA),(3)広基性鋸歯状腺腫/ポリープ(sessile serrated adenoma/polyp ; SSA/P)に分類され,さらにHPはMVHP(microvesicular HP),GCHP(goblet cell-rich HP),MPHP(mucin-poor HP)の3型に亜分類されている.HPは男性に多く,S状結腸・直腸に好発する5mm以下の扁平隆起であり,癌化の危険はないと考えられているが,MVHPは高率にBRAF遺伝子変異を伴いSSA/Pの前駆病変と考えられ,GCHPはK-ras遺伝子変異をしばしば伴うが腺腫や癌との関連は不明である.MPHPはまれでありMVHPや腺腫に再生性変化が加わったものと考えられている.なお,過形成/鋸歯状ポリポーシスは癌化の高危険群と認識しておく必要がある.
In the current WHO classification(2010), colorectal serrated polyps are classified into three types ; (1)HP(Hyperplastic polyp), (2)TSA(Traditional serrated adenoma), and (3)Sessile serrated adenoma/polyp(SSA/P). In addition, HP is further subclassified into three types ; MVHP(microvesicular HP), GCHP(goblet-cell rich HP)and mucin-poor HP of(MPHP)further.
HP is seen more common with men, mostly arises in recto-sigmoid colon which is a flatly elevated small lesion(less than 5mm). It has been thought that HP has no risk of malignant transformation, however, MVHP is suggested to be the precursor of SSA/P with frequent BRAF mutation. Although GCHP is often accompanied by K-ras, its clinicopathological significance is unknown. MPHP is rare and is thought to be due to regenerative change of MVHP or adenoma. In addition, it should be recognized that hyperplastic/serrated polyposis has a high-risk of cancer.

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