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要旨 十二指腸を含む小腸カルチノイド29例の臨床病理学的特徴を検討した.占居部位は十二指腸球部17例,下行脚4例,回腸8例であり,十二指腸の1例と小腸の2例で多発病変を認めた.基本的な形態は広基性ないし亜有茎性隆起であり,十二指腸病変より小腸病変のほうが大きかった.内視鏡では黄白色調の粘膜下腫瘍様隆起が特徴的で,点状発赤や拡張した血管,頂部陥凹を伴う病変も存在した.WHO分類では全例がNET G1に相当したが,リンパ節転移や肝転移を来した症例も存在した.リンパ節転移の有無が判明した13例を検討したところ,陽性例は小腸病変が多い傾向にあったが,WHO分類に差はなかった.以上より,NETのWHO分類を本邦の小腸カルチノイドに適応させるか否かに関してはさらに症例を集積して検討する必要があると思われた.
We report a clinicopathological study of 29 cases with duodenal or small intestinal carcinoid tumors. There were 17 cases in the duodenal bulb, 4 cases in the duodenal second portion and 8 cases in the ileum. One of 21 cases with duodenal carcinoid and 2 of 8 cases with ileal carcinoid were multicentric. The tumor was sessile or semipedunculated in form. Small intestinal carcinoids were larger than duodenal carcinoids. Endoscopic findings of carcinoids were characterized by yellowish-white submucosal tumors, some of which had central depression, petechial reddening or dilated vessels on their surface. Although all cases were diagnosed as NET G1 in this study, some of the cases had lymph-node metastasis and developed liver metastasis. The cases with lymph node metastasis tended to be found more frequently in small intestinal carcinoids than in duodenal carcinoids. These data suggested that there might be a problem in applying the WHO classification system to duodenal and small intestinal carcinoids in Japan.

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