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要旨 1997年から2012年の間に当院で経験した胃カルチノイド腫瘍23例を臨床病理学的に解析した.WHO分類(2010年)に従うとNET(neuroendocrine tumor)G1(15例)とG2(8例)に分類され,TNM分類ではT1N0M0 Stage I(19例),T2N0M0 Stage IIA(3例),T2N1M0 Stage IIIB(1例)であった.原則的にRindi分類に基づいて治療し(外科的切除6例,内視鏡的切除12例,経過観察5例),1年以上経過を追えた20例(観察期間中央値73.5,12~180か月)のうち,肝転移から原病死したNET G2(Ki-67指数12%)の手術症例1例以外の19例はすべて,再発・転移や原病死を認めなかった.脈管侵襲陽性は4例で,これにリンパ節と肝転移のいずれかが陽性であった2例を加えた6例は,NET G2またはT2に分類された全11例の55%を占め,12例のNET G1かつT1症例の0%に比し,有意に高値であった(p<0.05).以上から,胃カルチノイド腫瘍に対しては,Rindi分類に基づき適切な治療を選択することと,いくつかの病型を総合的に評価し,脈管侵襲,転移と予後を予測し,長期間慎重に経過観察することが重要であると考えられた.
We reviewed 23 gastric carcinoid tumors diagnosed in our institution between 1997 and 2012. The tumors were treated, based on Rindi's classification. Surgery was performed in 6, endoscopic resection in 12 and 5 were observed without treatment. Among those 23 lesions, 15 were classified as NET(neuroendocrine tumor)G1, 8 were classified as NET G2 according to the WHO 2010 classification. Based on the TNM classification(UICC 7th), 19 were classified as T1N0M0 Stage I, 3 were T2N0M0 Stage IIA, and one was T2N1M0 Stage IIIB. Among 20 tumors followed up for over one year, no patient showed local recurrence, lymph node and distant metastasis or tumor related death during the median follow-up periods of 73.5 months(range, 12-180 months)excluding one who died of liver metastasis, classified as NET G2(Ki-67 index 12%). We encountered 4 cases with lymphovascular invasion and 2 with metastasis. All of these 6cases were classified as NET G2 or T2. In other words, among all 11 with NET G2 or T2, the proportion of cases with lymphovascular invasion or metastasis was 55%, which was significantly higher than the 12 cases classified as NET G1 and T1 with no lymphovascular invasion or metastasis(p<0.05). The result of this study suggests that appropriate treatment for gastric carcinoid tumors based on Rindi's classification in addition to a comprehensive approach considering the WHO 2010 and the TNM classification might be of help in managing these tumors with a favorable long term outcome.

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