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胆道鏡開発の歴史をみると,1923年Bakes1)が最初に胆道内視を試み,その後1937年Hollenberg2)らとBabcock3)が胆囊外瘻造設患者に硬性膀胱鏡を使って胆囊内観察,結石除去に成功した.ただし,これらは硬性鏡であったため,胆道の観察には,実際上不合理な面が多く,実用化には至らなかった.1958年Hirschowitz4)がgastroduodenal fiberscopeを考案したのがきっかけとなり,fiberscopyが内視鏡分野で確立された.1965年にはShore5)らが初めて胆道ファイバースコープを開発し,胆道疾患診断の分野に可撓性のあるファイバースコープが出現した.本邦でも1967年に田,西村6)らが,さらに山川7)らが国産のファイバースコープを開発し報告している.
The authors with cooperation of the Fuji Photo Optical Co., LTD. manufactured a new fiber choledochoscope “FT-SF” with an idea to improve the practical aspect of handling the instrument. It was intended to make easier the operation of the stone forceps or insertion of the catheter during irrigation and inspection. For this purpose, the shaft of the fiberscope was much shortened to make smooth the acute-angle application of the forceps and it was devised also not to damage the forceps-hole of the shaft.
The Fujinon “FT-SF” was used in 25 patients on 12 occasions of intraoperative choledochoscopy and 34 occasions of postoperative choledochoscopy. It has been thus confirmed that the intraductal inspection is possible by this at the level of the tertiary hepatic duct or even periphery and that the litholapaxy by this is effective for not only common duct residual stone but intrahepatic stone as well. No complication due to the new fiber choledochoscopy was observed.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.