

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Present Status of Intestinal Tuberculosis T. Shimao 1 1Research Institute, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association pp.1511-1518
Published Date 1977/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112468
  • Abstract
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 As almost all of tuberculosis infection takes place in the lung, extrapulmonary tuberculosis develops as a result of either canalicular, hematogenous or lymphogenous dissemination of tubercle bacilli from pulmonary lesions. Spread of tubercle bacilli depends very much on the severity of pulmonary tuberculosis and the grade of acquired immunity or non-sbecific resistance of the host. The rise of non-specific resistance due to improvement of nutrition and immunization through BCG vaccination brought about the decrease in the outbreak of pulmonary tuberculosis as well as the dissemination of tubercle bacilli to extrapulmonary organs. Early detection of the disease and advances in treatment also contributed to reduce the bacillary dissemination to various organs.

 Extrapulmonary tuberculous lesions showing quick response to chemotherapy such as intestinal tuberculosis are cured faster than pulmonary tuberculous lesions when the chemotherapy for pulmonary tuberculosis is initiated, and clinical manifestation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis becomes unapparent.

 Intestinal tuberculosis is caused by canalicular dissemination of tubercle bacilli from lesions in the lung or bronchi, and its incidence has been reducing much faster than that of pulmonary tuberculosis due to the following reasons : the increase in the number of cases detected in the earlier stage, less probability of developing severe intestinal lesions due to rise of non-pecific resistance and the enhancement of immunity, quick response to chemotherapy of intestinal tuberculosis. In accordance with the decline of intestinal tuberculosis, physicians have come to show less concern on this type of disease, and rare case of intestinal tuberculosis, especially so-called solitary type is encountered with difficulty in making its diagnosis, and some cases diagnosed first by operation or autopsy were reported per year.

 Fast decline of a certain disease causes less concern of physicians on the disease, thus leads to either misdiagnosis or delay in diagnosis. Although tuberculosis has been decreasing, still nearly 10,000 persons are dying from the disease and new cases per year are approximately 100,000 in number, and the presence of intestinal tuberculosis should be taken into consideration when we diagnose and treat respiratory and digestive truct diseases.

Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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