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We have performed selective angiography in 84 cases of pancreatic carcinoma and splenoportography in another 77 cases of it. Positive rate of abnormal findings in carcinoma of the head of the pancreas was 96 per cent in angiography and 62 per cent in portography, while in carcinoma of the body and tail of the pancreas it was 96 per cent in angiography and 100 per cent in portography. Despite such a high degree of accurate diagnosis the rate of resectability remained as low as 24 per cent in carcinoma of the pancreatic head and 17 per cent in that of the body and tail. Accurate diagnosis at an earlier poriod is thus highly desirable. It is emphasized here that in order to achieve yet higher rate of correct diagnosis in carcinoma of the pancreas more comprehensible judgment combined with other diagnostic techniques is essential.
For the purpose of grasping more minute positive findings, we have also calculated the estimated blood flow by measuring the size of the various arteries and splenic vein on the films of angiography and portography and obtained the following results.
1. The estimated blood flow from the celiac artery to the pancreas was in normal cases on an average 74.1 ml/min. In chronic pancreatitis the blood flow decreased, but it remained the same in cancer cases.
2. Distribution of the blood flow in the area of the head and that of the tail and body showed that in carcinoma the blood flow decreased in the affected area, resulting in its increase in the other area.
3. When the radius of the takeoffs in anterior, posterior superior pancreaticoduodenal arteries and in dorsal pancreatic artery were more than 0.75 mm wide, most of the third branches were visualized.
4. The estimated blood flow of the area that showed shadow defect in scanning was found to be decreased.
5. As compared with normal cases, those of carcinoma of the pancreatic head showed narrowing in the diameter of the splenic vein in the tail, and vein the was elongated.

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