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膵臓を直接的に検査する内視鏡的膵管造影については,1968年にわが国で十二指腸ファイバースコープが開発されて,内視鏡的膵管造影が1968年McCune1)らにより報告されたが,1969年,大井2)および筆者ら3)が臨床的に応用し,いらい世界的に本法が膵疾患の診断に用いられてきている.膵疾患,特に膵癌に対しても十二指腸ファイバースコープによる十二指腸内面の観察,生検,乳頭口への挿管による膵・胆管造影,さらに経乳頭的膵液細胞診などが検討されて,膵癌の診断には欠くことができないというよりも,すでに内視鏡による方法が診断の主流をなすまでに有用となってきた.なかんずく内視鏡的膵管造影(Endoscopic Pancreatocholangiography,以下EPCGと略)は膵臓の直接的検査法であり,EPGの成功率も諸家の報告では84%4),91%5)と高く,われわれのEPCG成功率は表1のごとくで乳頭観察例の79%であり,近年は90%以上の成功率をおさめている.
The significance of endoscopic examination by means of duodenofiberscopy that has been newly developed for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is described in this paper. Endoscopic study of the duodenum has now become one of the indispensable procedures for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer because not only the duodenum but also the pancreatic and hepatic ducts have come to be depicted fortified with cytodiagnosis through the duodenal papilla.
Diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is easy or difficult depending on the site of cancer origin, so that we have evaluated it after dividing carcinoma into that of the head and that of the body and tail. In carcinoma of the head changes in the duodenum can be confirmed by endoscopy, whereas in cancer of the body and tail few changes are observed by it. EPCG was more effective in cancer of the body and tail and the rate of diagnostic accuracy was likewise higher. Changes in the pancreatic ductal system caused by pancreatic cancer were also investigated. Cytodiagnosis through the duodenal papilla is of great significance for pancreatic carcinoma and methods of collecting cells should be more refined. At present, cancer of the pancreas detected by endoscopy and EPCG is mostly in so advanced stage that little room is left for curative resection, but in accordance with more popular application of EPCG early detection of pancreatic cancer would surely become possible in the near future.

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