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膵癌のX線診断は1931年Buttler1)が,十二指腸係蹄の開大を指摘して以来,上部消化管X線撮影(upper GI),特に十二指腸造影から診断することが中心であった.最近になって,低緊張性十二指腸造影(HDG)2)~10)各種胆道造影法,なかでも経皮経肝胆道造影法(PTC),逆行性膵胆管造影法(EPCG),血管造影法,シンチグラフィーその他の検査法の進歩により,膵癌の診断は飛躍的に向上したといえる,しかし,各種の検査法にもおのおの長所・短所があり,まだあらゆる条件を満たす検査法はない.
Hypotonic duodenography (HDG) has been performed in 53 cases of carcinoma of the pancreas (33 cases in the head and 22 in the body and tail) out of 60 such cases encountered from January 1969 to July 1974. On the basis of the results obtained, we have evaluated diagnosis of pancreatic cancer by means of HDG together with its diagnostic capability.
1. Cancer was accurately diagnosed in 18 cases (54 per cent) among 33 cases of carcinoma of the head, and in 9 caces (45 per cent) among 20 of that of the body and tail. When cancer cases suspected as such by HDG were included, diagnostic capability of HDG rose as high as 80 per cent (23 cases) in carcinoma of the head and 75 per cent (15 cases) in that of body and tail.
2. Abnormal findings detected by HDG, although not directly contributory to the accurate diagnosis or to suspicion of pancreatic carcinoma, were seen in 91 per cent in carcinoma of the head and 90 per cent in that of the body and tail.
3. By combining HDG, various cholecystographic measures and EPG, we wer able to diagnose pancreatic carcinoma in all of 60 cases.
4. Diagnostic capability of HDG can be heightened and the time needed for accurate diagnosis can be shortened if cholecystograrhy and EPG be co-employed after the slightest change detected by HDG has been well looked into.
5. Of 22 cases of cancer of the body and tail, abnormal findings were seen in only the pars horizontalis of the duodenum in 8 cases and only in the duodenojejunal flexure in 4.
6. The above results suggest that in conducting upper GI series duodenography and above all HDG is necessary and it is important to visualize the duodenum as far distal as the duodenojejunal flexure.

Copyright © 1974, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.