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A Case of Ⅱb+Ⅱc Type Early Gastric Cancer S. Nishimura 1 , Y. Fujita 1 , Y. Kimura 1 , T. Nakada 1 , K. Suetomi 1 1Dept. of Roentgenology, School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University pp.1551-1555
Published Date 1971/11/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403111446
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 Despite the remarkable progress made in the diagnostic methods of gastric cancer, preoperatively diagnosed cases of Ⅱb type early cancer are still few. Most of them are found quite accidentally in the course of operation for other types of gastric cancer or for ulcer and so on. Generally they are under 2 cm in diameter, so that they are very diflicult to identify even in the gross specimens of the resected stomach.

 The case here described is also a Ⅱb+Ⅱc type early gastric cancer coincidentally found in the neighborhood of a Ⅱc lesion on the lesser curvature of the pylorus for which gastric resection was originally attempted. Retrospectively, the Ⅱc lesion in the initial x-ray shows a slightly elevated lesion more like a Ⅱa, and the later confirmed Ⅱb is observed as an also elevated change together with gross areae gastricae and irregular meshy shadows.

 In the removed stomach, the mucosa of the Ⅱb showed pallor and loss of luster with its surface rough. The areae gastricae were more gross than normal and were of varying sizes.

 Although these findings were well reflected in the radiographs, much still remains to be solved before these minute x-ray findings can be utilized as nite definitesign of malignancy in this area. Nevertheless, the above-mentioned findings seem to furnish an important, though as yet slight, clue to its correct diagnosis, so that they should not be ignored.

Copyright © 1971, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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