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症 例
患 者:32歳,男性.
主 訴:上腹部痛.
現病歴:1974年12月,上腹部痛を主訴として京橋クリニックを受診し,胃透視および内視鏡検査により,良性と思われる胃の巨大皺襞が発見された.また同時に低蛋白血症(T. P. 5.0g/dl,A/G 1.3)も存在したことからMénétrier病と診断され,抗プラスミン剤などが投与された.このとき巨大皺襞のほかには潰瘍やびらんなどの病変は発見されなかった.約6カ月間の内科的治療で自覚症状は軽快したが,1976年5月には再び上腹部痛が出現し,胃透視で胃角上部に潰瘍を認め,内科的治療により6カ月後には軽快した.しかし,1978年2月には上腹部痛と共に少量の吐血があり,胃透視で再度胃角上部に潰瘍を認めたため内科的治療を行っていたところ,1978年3月10日,食後突然に激烈な上腹部痛が出現し,北病院へ緊急入院した.
A 32 year-old man complaining of severe upper abdominal pain was admitted to our hospital in March 1978. He was diagnosed to have Ménétrier's disease with hypoproteinemia in 1975 and gastric ulcer in 1976, and was given conservative therapy at a clinic for some time.
Upon admission, general peritonitis due to ulcer perforation was suspected. In the emergency operation, gross finddings in the abdominal cavity revealed a perforated ulcer and a possible carcinoma both in the lesser curvature of the stomach. Total gastrectomy was performed.
In the specimen, giant granulated mucosal folds resembling cerebral convolutions were found extensively, especially along the lesser curvature of the corpus.
Histological findings revealed general hyperplasia of both foveolar epithelia and gastric glands of intermediate zone. Cystic dilatations of pseudopyloric glands were also present extensively in this zone which was very wide in surface area compared to that of a normal stomach. Fibrous thickening of the gastric wall from submucosal layer to serosa in the vicinity of the perforated ulcer was also noted.
The patient had a good postoperative course with normal serum protein concentration.

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