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症 例
患 者:64歳,女性,主婦.
主 訴:嚥下痛.
現病歴:1982年3月ごろより咳嗽出現.同年7月胸部異常陰影を指摘され,当科外来受診し,生検にてmoderately differentiated squamoas cell carcinoma of the lungと診断された.8月11日当科入院し,手術不能のため,レーザー照射施行し,肺腫瘍の縮小をみた.経過中,9月14日ごろより嚥下痛出現し,次第に増強,摂食困難となった.
The patient was a 64 year-old woman and was admitted to our hospital complaining of persistent cough. Radiological and bronchoscopic examination led us to establish a diagnosis of moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.
During the admission, she started to have odynophagia. The endoscopic examination showed thick white degenerative epithelium covering entire esophageal lumen from the top to its end. A week later, second endoscopic examination revealed yellowbrownish necrotizing material covering whole esophageal lumen. The lesion easily bled and was scaled off. A diagnosis of exfoliative esophagitis was made from endoscopic and histological findings. Consequently, she was abstained from foods and oral medicine (ferrous sulfate and bacampicillin hydrochloride), and was given antacid. Subjective symptoms almost disappeared with no abnormalities endoscopically in two weeks.
We were unable to find any preceding physical damage of the esophagus in this case and furthermore, bacteriological, virological and histological studies did not suggest any etiology of this case. Reflux esophagitis was also denied. Although ingestion of foods and drugs may induce and exacerbate the disease, the real pathogenesis of exfoliative esophagitis in this case remains to be determined.

Copyright © 1983, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.