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Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease of the Stomach: especially on its relation to gastric ulcer K. Saito 1 , T. Kanai 2 , K. Wada 2 , Y. Ohmori 2 , S. Niwayama 3 1Dept. of Pathology, Shyonai Hospital 21 st Dept. of Surgery, Niigata University School of Medicine 3Dept. of Bacteriology, Niigata University School of Medicine pp.943-949
Published Date 1972/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403109210
  • Abstract
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 Cytomegalic inclusion disease has two types : infantile and adult. Each of them can also be divided into the localized variety confined within a certain organ and the visceral variety spread in various organs. Infantile localized type is most commonly seen in the parotic glands and its incidence is high, but adult localized type is very rare. In the literature there have been only 7 reports of it confined within the stomach.

 The patient is a 31 years old male. Clinically he was suspected to harbor advanced carcinoma in the pyloric region. A number of cytomegalic inclusion bodies were seen within the resected stomach. Most striking was their mode of distribution. While not a single body was seen in the fundic glands, they were widely distributed within the pyloric glands and Brunner's glands in the duodenum, numbering from 1.0 to 17.3 per cm on preparations. A Ul-Ⅲ ulcer was also found in the pylorus, and this was considered no accidental complication, but was believed to have arisen out of depressed changes in the course of chronic gastritis provoked by localized type of cytomegalic inclusion disease. The reasons for our conclusions are as follows:

 1. The ulcer was located in a part compatible neither with Oi's theory of mucosal principle―“Gastric ulcer is located closely to the borders between the areas of fundic glands and pyloric glands, originating not in the fundic gland area but in pyloric gland area”― nor does it agree with his theory of muscle principle -“Gastric ulcer occurs in an area encircled both by the bordering circular coat and the innermost oblique coat in the anterior and posterior wall.”

 2. While only slight superficial gastritis was observed on the fundic gland area which was free from inclusion bodies, severe gastritis was seen in the pyloric gland area where widely distributed.

 3. When the entire pyloric gland area was divided into the oral portion and distal one, the former with smaller number of inclusion bodies showed only either depressed gastritis or multiple erosions in an irregular way, while the latter with more numerous bodies presented an ulcer with the depth of Ul-Ⅲ.

 4. No steroid was employed in the medical management of this patient.

 Reference has also been made to the literature of cytomegalic inclusion disease localized within the stomach.

Copyright © 1972, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


