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症 例
患 者:47歳,男,国鉄職員.
主 訴:吐血・下血.
現病歴:半年前に上腹部不快感を訴え本院を受診し,胃X線検査によりFig. 1のごとく,穹窿部の変形および壁の不整,硬化像を認め,特に噴門部および穹窿部大彎側には陰影欠損を見る.更に穹窿部から体上部にかけて粗大皺襞の蛇行が認められ,また小彎線は体中部まで,大彎線は体下部までの壁の直線化を認めるが,胃の伸展性は保たれている.この時点で粘膜下腫瘍,特に胃悪性リンパ腫を疑われ,精査をすすめられるが,以後当院を受診せず放置されていた.今回,約2週間前より上腹部鈍痛,食欲不振があり,前日コップ半分の吐血が2回あり,更にタール便を来したため当院を受診した.緊急内視鏡検査では,胃穹窿部より体上部にかけて多最の血液を認め出血部位の確認ができなかった.貧血を認め全身状態不良のため緊急入院となった.
A 47-year-old man visited to our hospital with a chief complaint of upper abdominal discomfort. Upper gastrointestinal x-ray examination revealed giant folds of the fornix and protruded lesions on the cardia and the greater curvature of the fornix. But he refused to have further examinations.
Half a year later, he was brought to the emergency room of our hospital due to hematemesis and melena. Endoscopic examination demonstrated a big crater surrounded with soft giant folds on the fornix. Malignant lymphoma was suspected by biopsy specimen.
Three weeks later after admission, he suddenly complained of cough with sputa. Chest x-ray showed pleural effusion. He was suspected to have gastric malignant lymphoma perforated to the left pleural cavity through the diaphragma.
He died on the 61st hospital day because of bleeding from the pleural cavity.
By autopsy materials, he was diagnosed as having lymphocytic type lymphosarcoma of the stomach histologically.

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