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Even in the recent years, with advanced diagnostic techniques, the diagnosis of ileocecal lesions is still considerably difficult. We encountered a case in which a nonspecific simple ulcer was found in the radiograph and then definitely diagnosed by operation.
A 27 year old man attended our hospital complaining mainly of right lower abdominal pain and slight fever. Irregular niche and convergence of mucosal folds were demonstrated in the ileocecum from an ascending irrigoradiograph. However, no longitudinal or girdle niche as well as cobblestone appearance was detected. Additionally, no marked change was found in the follow margin without stenosis. In the fiberscopic examination, no abnormality was noted in the circumferential membrane except for an active ulcer with clear borderline and convergence of mucosal folds. No malignancy was demonstrated in the biopsy findings, as well as necrosis accompanied by ulcer. In the study on resected specimen, a map-like irregular ulcer measuring about 50 mm×40 mm and convergence of mucosal folds were detected. The coecum showed Ul-Ⅳ appearance, and its tunica muscularis was replaced by traces containing lymphocyte, plasma cells and a small quantity of eosinophile infiltrated in the histological examination. A similar inflammatory cellular infiltration of Ul-Ⅲ type was observed in the ileum side. No evidences of granulomatous inflammation, Crohn's disease or tuberculosis were obtained.
Some considerations were given with respect to the historical background, sex, average age, clinical findings, objective symptoms, diagnosis, site of lesion, number of ulcer, size of ulcer, depth of lesion, perforation rate, recurrence rate, pregnosis and mortality, and recovery of the disease while referring to other literatures.

Copyright © 1979, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.