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患 者:11歳 女子 小学生
主 訴:腹痛及び嘔吐
検査成績:便の潜血反応が強陽性であった.腹部単純撮影では鏡面形成みられず,注腸造影でも結腸に異常は認めなかった(Table 2).
The patient is a 11-year-old girl. Family history revealed that there are six individuals with pigmentation on the lips in her maternal side and three of them underwent intestinal operation. The patient has had pigmentation spots on the lips since the age of two. On March 22, 1974, she suddenly had a severe abdominal pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and was admitted to the Tohoku Chuo Hospital as acute abdomen. Physical examination on admission showed that a number of dark-brown colored pigmentation spots ranging from a millet grain to red bean in size were noted on the lips, buccal mucosa, palms of the hands and soles the feet. A tumor mass about the size of fist was palpated in the upper abdomen.
Although she had no episode of melena, stools were strongly positive for occult blood. Both the plain film of the abdomen in upright position and examination of the colon by barium enema revealed no abnormal finding.
Four days after admission, a surgical intervention revealed that, the tumor mass palpated was found to be intussusception of the jejunum located about 12 cm distal to the Treit'z ligament. About 80 cm of the involved area was resected. Four polyps were detected in the removed specimen. One of them was cauliflower-shaped and about 2 cm in diameter. Since this polyp had a stalk, it was postulated that the indigitation was caused by prolapse of this pedunculated tumor. Histologically, this was found to be hyperplastic polyp. Moreover, examination of upper GI tract revealed another polyp 1. 5 cm in diameter located in the body of the stomach. It is also noteworthy that her mother has pigmentation spots on the lips, buccal membrane, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, accompanied by gastric and small intestinal polyp.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.