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要旨 肝内結石症患者と健常者のHLA抗原を検索し,CW3,A2,8WDRW6Yとの関連性が示唆された.病態との比較ではCW3が狭窄型に比べ非狭窄型に有意に多かった.2抗原間の組み合わせ頻度でみるとA2とCW3の組み合わせが28.6%と最も高率であった.これを日本人健常者と比べると肝内結石症で有意に高率であった.またこの組み合わせは日本人に多い組み合わせであり,肝内結石症の東洋人集積性を考慮すると興味深い.現在までのHLAと疾患感受性では,先天性異常はAおよびC抗原との密接な関連性が見出されている.今回の検討でも,A2とCW3との相関が認められたことより,本症の成因には先天性異常の関与が示唆された.また,CW3抗原は先天性異常の肝内胆管の拡張因子との密接な関連性が示唆された.
Fourteen patients with hepatic gallstone were typed in HLA-A, -B, -C, and -DR antigens. Phenotype frequencies were calculated and compared with those of a control group of 100 individuals.
A higher frequency of A2 and CW3 was found among the hepatic gallstone patients but these were not significant. However, haplotype frequencies of HLA-A2 and -CW3 showed a positive association in comparison to normal control.
It was recognized those haplotype frequencies were significantly higher on patients with dilatation of intrahepatic choledocus rather than stenosis.

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