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遺残胆道結石を非手術的に摘出する方法は古くから試みられ,諸家1)~13)により報告されてきた.しかしこれらはいずれも外胆汁瘻のあるものについてである.近年十二指腸ファイバースコピーの発達に伴い,経内視鏡的に乳頭を切開して結石を摘出しようとする願望は当然のことながら起こった.1972年Erlangenで行なわれた逆行性膵胆管造影に関するInternational Workshop後の歓談の席で,本法が話題となり誰が先鞭をつけるかが話題になった.1973年には動物実験の基礎をもとに,臨床例の成功がそれぞれ独自の方法で,川井14)18),Classen19)~21),相馬22)~27)により報告された.さらに1974年の第3回世界内視鏡学会(メキシコ市)においては,上記3者にKoch28)が加わり,方法論,有用性,適応,合併症について論じられた.以来,世界各地で本法は積極的に行なわれている.1976年ミュンヘンでの本法に関するInternational Workshop44)では,西独では既に500例に及ぶ症例が,その他世界各国の症例を総計すると600例を越える臨床例の報告がある.本邦では10施設以上で本法が施行され170余例45)行なわれている.本年4月の第18回内視鏡学会総会のパネル“Endoscopic Surgery”では,本法の詳細な報告と討論が行なわれた.
Residual stones following biliary surgery present annoying problem and they occur in 1.4 to 6.6% of the cases despite the pre- and intraoperative efforts. Non-surgical removed of them has been tried and reported, but only through the T-tube. Recently, however, extraction of the stone through the papilla with or without Papillotomy under endoscopic control has been tried and successful results in clinical cases were reported by Kawai et al., Classen and Koch, and Sohma et al. A problem arises if there is any side effect from the severance of the Oddi's sphincter. Surgical sphincteroplasty for serious cholelithiasis particularly for bilirubin stones in the biliary tree presents the similar problem. It should be worthwhile to compare if there is any difference between the two methods. Interestingly, the results of the endoscopic electrical incision are the same as those of surgical sphincteroplasty. This method was applied in 41 cases and there were stones in the common bile-duct in 39 cases. We were able to successfully remove the stones in 34 cases by active extraction or spontaneous delivery. Biliary drainage is sufficient and no postoperative infection or liver function impairment has been encountered. We are also successful in developing a method of introducing a fiberscope into the hepatic ducts through the opened papilla for observation of the biliary tree.

Copyright © 1976, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.