

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Ulcerative Colitis Accompanied with Colitis Cystica Profunda at the Cecum, Report of a Case Takashi Hayasaka 1 , Kazuteru Hatanaka 1 , Yoshitomo Kojima 1 , Akinori Terada 1 1Department of Internal Medicine, Hakodate Central General Hospital Keyword: 盲腸出血 , 深在性囊胞症 , 潰瘍性大腸炎 pp.1147-1152
Published Date 1997/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403104987
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 A 50-year-old man was admitted to Hakodate Central General Hospital because of melena. Colonoscopic examinations revealed bleeding from a flat elevated lesion with erosion at the cecum, the orifice of the appendix. No findings of angiodysplasia were revealed by angiography. The resected specimen revealed the flat elevated lesion with erosion, 10 mm in diameter, at the cecum, the orifice of the appendix. Histopathological findings revealed thickened cecum mucosa with massive infiltrations of lymphocytes and plasma cells. Elongated misplaced mucosal glands were seen in the submucosal layer with destruction of the mucosal muscle layer. Fibromusculosis, abscess and granulation formations were also seen in the submucosal layer. Appendicial and cecum mucosa revealed crypt abscess formation and granulomatous lesions with superficial inflammation. In the follow-up study the ascending colon mucosa revealed erosion formations with crypt abscess formation. Nevertheless rectal mucosa revealed only petechiae with nonspecific inflammation. This case was ulcerative colitis localized within the cecum and appendix, accompanied with colitis cystica profunda.

Copyright © 1997, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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