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要旨 以前よりH. pylori(Helicobacter pylori)感染による萎縮性胃炎,腸上皮化生が胃癌の発生母地になるという研究がなされているものの,いまだに明らかになっていない部分もある.今回われわれは,早期胃癌のESD標本を用いて背景粘膜の萎縮を粘膜の高さ,腺管の数,腸上皮化生の3つで評価し,胃癌と背景粘膜との関連性について病理組織学的に検討した.結果は胃型形質の癌において,肉眼型が陥凹型のものや組織型が中・低分化型は,腸上皮化生が少ない萎縮粘膜であった.Correaの仮説とは異なる経路の癌の発生が示唆され,また,萎縮形態が異なることにより,性質の異なる癌が発生する可能性が認められた.
The present study made a histopathological evaluation of chronic atrophic gastritis as background of early gastric cancer. We evaluated mucosal height, number of glands and degree of intestinal metaplasia of the background gastric mucosa, which was resected by endoscopic submucosal resection(ESD)for early gastric cancer. Depressed gross type and moderately to poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of gastric-phenotype cancer cases showed 508μm/score 0.7 and 552μm/score 1.0(mucosal height/intestinal metaplasia score), respectively. The results indicated that gastric-phenotype cancers had atrophic mucosa with less intestinal metaplasia. In addition to the atrophic mucosa with intestinal metaplasia(Correa's hypothesis), atrophic gastric mucosa with less intestinal metaplasia is thought to play an important role in gastric carcinogenesis, especially tumorigenesis of gastric-phenotype cancer.

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