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Early Gastric Cancer Derived from Autoimmune Gastritis without H. pylori Infection, Report of a Case Toshifumi Ozawa 1 , Kazuo Hara 2 , Kyosuke Miura 1 , Hirokazu Shirai 1 , Takayuki Nakagawa 1 , Masaya Saito 1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Inuyama Chuo General hospital, Inuyama, Japan 2Department of Pathology, Inuyama Chuo General hospital, Inuyama, Japan Keyword: A型胃炎 , H. pylori未感染 , 早期胃癌 , 分化型腺癌 , ESD pp.1099-1107
Published Date 2020/7/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403202101
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 A woman in her 90s with abdominal discomfort was admitted to our department for further examination. She had pernicious anemia alongside vitamin B12 deficiency. Her anti-parietal cell antibody level was 40 times and her serum gastrin level was 7,660pg/ml. Her PG(pepsinogen)-I level was 5.6ng/ml and the I/II ratio was 0.4, therefore severe atrophy was assumed. Gastroscopy showed severe atrophic mucosa(Kimura-Takemoto Classification:O-3)at the gastric body and fornix except for the antrum. The patient was diagnosed with autoimmune gastritis. Furthermore, a flat elevated lesion 25mm in diameter was detected endoscopically at the lower gastric body covered with atrophic mucosa. This lesion was diagnosed as an early gastric mucosal cancer and resected by ESD. Macroscopic type was 0-IIa+IIb and histological examination showed well differentiated adenocarcinoma, pT1a(M), with intestinal type mucin phenotype. Analysis of the resected specimen revealed proper gastric glands and parietal cells totally extinguished, with widespread lymphocyte infiltration. Endocrine micronests which were positive for chromogranin A staining were observed in the deeper mucosal layer of both the cancerous and non-cancerous area with intestinal metaplasia.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


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