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要旨 患者は,70歳,男性.2001年より,当院呼吸器内科にて慢性膿胸で通院中,上腹部不快感を訴え,胃内視鏡検査を施行した.胃体下部小彎に約3cm大の1型癌を認めた.生検で内分泌細胞癌が診断され,外科にて胃亜全摘術を施行した.腫瘍径は25×15mmであった.本例は,1型の形態を呈した胃内分泌細胞癌であり,なおかつ病理組織学的には内分泌細胞癌に中分化型管状腺癌と扁平上皮癌の併存が認められた稀有な症例であった.
A 70-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with epigastralgia as his chief complaint. Gastroendoscopy showed a type 1 lesion on the lesser curvature of the lower corpus of the stomach. The histological diagnosis of the biopsy specimen of the lesion was endocrine cell carcinoma. No metastatic lesion in any organ was detected through examination of abdominal CT and PET. Subtotal gastrectomy and D2 lymph node dissection were performed. The resected specimen from the lesser curvature of the lower corpus of the stomach showed a type 1 carcinoma. The size was 25×15mm. The histopathological examination showed the carcinoma consisted of endocrine cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. The endocrine cell carcinoma mostly occupied the type 1 carcinoma. The adenocarcinoma existed around the type 1 carcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma was seen slightly in the endocrine cell carcinoma. The endocrine cell carcinoma cells were stained with chromogranin A and adenocarcinoma cells were stained with CEA, and so the diagnosis was endocrine cell carcinoma with adenocarcinoma and squamous carcinoma. We report this, because type 1 carcinoma involving endocrine cell carcinoma with adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, is very rare in Japan.

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