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要旨●患者は73歳,男性.早期胃癌ESD後の経過観察目的の上部消化管内視鏡検査で,胃体上部小彎に径6mm大の不整形陥凹性病変を認めた.辺縁隆起を有し,領域性のある不整形陥凹性病変であることから,癌と診断した.NBI拡大観察では,陥凹部と辺縁隆起部でそれぞれ異なる不整な表面模様が観察された.生検では,粘膜内に管状腺癌を認め,その腺管間に免疫染色像でchromogranin Aとsynaptophysinが陽性を示す小型異型細胞がみられたことから,endocrine carcinomaと診断し,ESDを施行した.最終病理診断は,endocrine carcinoma,6×4mm,Type 0-IIc,pT1b2(pSM2,600μm),ly1,v0,HM0,VM0であった.陥凹部では,内分泌細胞癌成分で占居されており,辺縁部では,腺癌成分と内分泌細胞癌成分が共存する所見を認めた.追加外科手術を施行したが,腫瘍の遺残はなく,リンパ節転移は認めなかった.
A 73-year-old man underwent UGI(upper gastrointestinal)endoscopy during follow-up for gastric ESD(endoscopic submucosal dissection). The results revealed a light reddish, depressed 6-mm-diameter lesion on the lesser curvature of the upper gastric body.
Histological examination of the biopsy specimen revealed a tubular adenocarcinoma in the membrane ; immunostaining revealed the small variant cells between the crypts to be positive for chromogranin A and synaptophysin. Thus, the diagnosis was an endocrine carcinoma of the stomach. The clinical diagnosis was early gastric cancer(type 0-IIc with the depth of invasion estimated as M), and thus, the patient underwent ESD. The final pathological diagnosis was an endocrine carcinoma with a tubular adenocarcinoma, 6×4mm extension, type 0-IIc, pT1b2(pSM2 600μm), ly(+), v(−), HM0, and VM0. Additional surgical resection was performed, and no tumor or lymph node metastasis was observed.

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