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A method to investigate the region of waterclefts using the images obtained from anterior optical coherence tomography Kiyoyuki Majima 1 , Kei Ichikawa 2 , Yukihiro Sakai 3 , Yoshiki Tanaka 3 , Kazuo Ichikawa 3 1Eye Clinic Myouganin 2Department of Ophthalmology, Aoyama General Hospital 3Chukyo Eye Clinic pp.383-390
Published Date 2025/3/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.037055790790030383
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Abstract Purpose:To investigate the region and area of waterclefts(WC)in the images obtained from an anterior segment optical coherence tomography device.

Participants and methods:The study involved 203 eyes(90 eyes of men, 113 eyes of women)of patients(age:62-89 years)scheduled for cataract surgery. Initial imaging was performed using a transillumination method with an anterior segment analysis device(KONAN KATS-1000), and cases of WC were selected. Subsequently, selected eyes were further imaged using an anterior segment optical coherence tomography device(Heidelberg Engineering ANTERION)to assess the area of the WC.

Results:1)WC were observed in the anterior or anterior and posterior cortex within a 3-mm diameter at the center of the pupillary area in 9 eyes. 2)WC larger than 3 mm in diameter were noted in the anterior or anterior and posterior cortex in 17 eyes. 3)In one eye, WC were not observed within the 3-mm diameter but were detected outside this region. 4)In 24 eyes, WC were visible in the anterior or anterior and posterior cortex, with a cortical opacity also present beneath the anterior capsule. Notably, the WC under the anterior capsule exceeded 3 mm in diameter. Overall, WC were identified in 25.1% of all cases.

Conclusion:Although targets of this study were patients with wc observed in the images using KATS-1000, investigated images captured using an anterior segment optical coherence tomography device provide a clearer and more comprehensive understanding of the area and extent of WC, which is valuable of diagnosis of this cataract subtype.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


