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要約 目的:角膜移植眼のgraft-host接合部にまたがる感染性角膜炎は,いまだ有効な外科的治療法が確立されておらず難治性といえる。今回,角膜穿孔に至ったgraft-host接合部にまたがる感染性角膜炎に対し,治療的角膜移植を行わず薬物治療のみで感染の鎮静化が得られたので報告する。
Abstract Purpose:Infectious keratitis at the graft-host junction in corneal transplantation is persistent because an effective surgical treatment is currently undeveloped. We report a case of infectious keratitis at the graft-host junction that resulted in corneal perforation that was successfully treated with drug therapy, without therapeutic keratoplasty.
Case:The patient was a 78-year-old male, with lattice corneal dystrophy type ⅢA(homozygous mutation[L527R]in TGFBI). The right eye had undergone penetrating keratoplasty(PKP)21 and 9 years prior. The patient was diagnosed with infectious keratitis in the right eye due to an abscess in the graft and host. Visual acuity was defined based on hand motion. On microscopic examination of the smear, neutrophils were observed. Candida was suspected as the causative organism, and topical and systemic treatments with antifungal agents were initiated. On the 13th d of treatment, corneal perforation occurred and choroidal detachment was observed, but the abscess was shrinking;therefore, drug treatment was continued without therapeutic keratoplasty. On the 25th d of treatment, the corneal ulcer resolved and signs of infection disappeared. Fifty-seven days later, the choroidal detachment disappeared and anterior chamber was reformed. Visual acuity improved to 0.02 on day 92.
Discusion:We performed central PKP with peripheral partial scleral keratoplasty for infectious keratitis, extending from the center to the periphery of the cornea. Although this technique generally results in improvement of the infection, postoperative visual acuity is poor. In this case, although corneal perforation occurred during treatment, we judged that the infection subsided and continued drug treatment, consequently the infection improved and ocular structure was recovered.
Conclusion:After keratoplasty, even if the infection extends to the recipient side and corneal perforation occurs, therapeutic keratoplasty can be avoided if the signs of infection, such as abscess size diminish.

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