

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


An airway cleaning action by a mucociliary transport system - Possibility of macrolides to the inflammation and infection of an airway - Tamaoki Jun 1 Keyword: 粘液線毛輸送系 , 気道クリーニング , マクロライド , 気道炎症 pp.160-172
Published Date 2013/6/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.20837/2201307160
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・Sputum, nasal secretions are respiratory tract liquid which constitutes the mucociliary transport system. The system eliminates outside foreign substances inhaled with the air intake, such as bacteria and a virus. So, the mucociliary transport system plays an important role for biological defense. However, overproductions of sputum or nasal secretion, cause a dysfunction of mucociliary transport system. Since this functional disorder causes symptoms, such as dyspnea and nasal congestion, it needs to perform airway cleaning. ・Macrolide antibiotics show the airway cleaning action which improves symptoms such as sputum or nasal secretion of the patients with chronic or acute airway inflammation. The airway cleaning actions of macrolides include〈1〉a reduction or exclusion of pathogenic microbe, 〈2〉an inhibition of excessive airway secretions, 〈3〉an improvement of mucociliary transport system and,〈4〉the relief of airway inflammation. ・Several clinical studies suggest that macrolides control excessive airway secretion of patient with chronic airway inflammations and/or acute airway infections.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0913-2384 医薬ジャーナル社


