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悪心・嘔吐は,食指不振といった症状も合併し,食事摂取量の低下,筋力低下,活動性の低下など生活に大きく影響し,さらに食べる楽しみという患者の生活の質(quality of life:QOL)を著しく低下させるものであり対策が必須と考えられている。
悪心・嘔吐に対する治療については,下記に示す化学療法誘発性の悪心・嘔吐(chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting:CINV)以外では,エビデンスレベルは低くなり,臨床医の経験を頼りに,診察所見とともに吐き気の原因を探索し,それに対応した制吐薬を使用することが推奨されている。進行がん患者での頻度の高い吐き気の原因としては,化学的異常〔腎不全,肝不全,電解質異常(低ナトリウム・高カルシウム血症)〕,薬物(オピオイド,抗うつ薬,抗生物質など),感染,便秘を含む腸管蠕動異常や腸閉塞などが挙げられる。オピオイドによる吐き気が緩和ケアでは大きな問題となるが,おそらくは前章 “術後悪心・嘔吐の危険因子と予防・治療” と同様の機序,対応となるであろうことから本論文では詳細は省き,一方,多くのエビデンスのあるCINVを中心に概説する。
Cancer patients experience nausea and vomiting due to the disease itself, from treatments such as chemotherapy or radiation, and from other complications that patients may have. The most frequent and severe symptoms usually occur during chemotherapy, and thus the most thoroughly studied mechanisms and treatment options are those for chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting(CINV). Serotonin and substance P are key neurotransmitters. After antagonists for serotonin and substance P were developed, patients’ nausea & vomiting could be successfully treated, thus enabling out-patient chemotherapy treatment. Knowledge gained in studies of CINV has spread to other areas such as opioid-induced nausea and vomiting, and some successful results have been reported. Olanzapine, the multi-receptor antagonist available as a major antipsychotic agent, has recently become widely used for late CINV treatment and for ameliorating appetite loss. Although there is a wide range of treatment options for nausea and vomiting, it is apparent that the nausea and vomiting that some patients experience during the terminal phase of disease(including cancer, renal failure, heart failure and others)may not respond to any of the available treatments, and continuous sedation may become the only choice for symptom relief. Further research toward the goal of safely achieving the relief of nausea and vomiting is thus necessary.

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