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麻酔医療の安全性はこれまでに行われたさまざまな取り組みによってかなりの改善が認められている。とはいえ,現状に満足することなく,さらに安全性を向上させる努力が求められている。麻酔の安全性向上に関わる10の優先事項1)(表1)の中で,診療ガイドラインが貢献しうる事項は “国家レベル,世界レベルでの標準的な術中管理の適用” であろう。本論文では診療ガイドラインの構成を概観したうえで,麻酔診療に関する診療ガイドラインの貢献,限界および今後の展望に関して私見を交えて紹介する。
A practice guideline typically summarizes recommendations of treatments, and it sometimes declares the goals of professional societies. Practice guidelines consist of evidence-based guidelines and consensus-based guidelines. Significant number of anesthesia-related guidelines are comprised with consensus-based guidelines. Most clinicians acknowledge the contribution of practice guidelines for the patient safety;however, such notion may not fully be supported by the concrete evidence. Limitations of practice guidelines include small numbers of high-quality evidence for unintended use during litigation process. Users may seek additional information such as guidelines formulated by foreign societies and recommendations made by non-profit organizations and expert panels.
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