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Non-technical Skills in Anesthesia Care:Past, Present and Future Shuya KIYAMA 1 1Department of Anesthesiology, The Jikei University, School of Medicine Keyword: civil aviation , non-technical skills , Crew Resource Management(CRM) , High Reliability Organization(HRO) , patient safety pp.650-661
Published Date 2023/7/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.18916/masui.2023070008
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 Accident investigation revealed that human factors such as lack of situation awareness, inadequate communication, have been responsible in a significant numbers of air disasters. Development of Crew Resource Management(CRM)programs started in late 1970’s to train non-technical skills of airline pilots, air traffic controllers and other personnel in aviation industry, and they have since been endorsed by many airline companies worldwide. Similarly, in many medical accidents including those in anesthesia, deficiency or lack of non-technical skills are repeatedly reported to have played a major role. Anesthesia CRM(ACRM)and Anaesthetists’ Non-Technical Skills(ANTS)were developed to address these issues in the United States and Scotland, respectively. Aviation and anesthesia are distinctly different fields, but they also have a lot in common:decision-making, uncertainty and reliance on technology in rapidly changing and dynamic situation. Superficial adoption of checklists or standard procedures in civil aviation may not work, but if appropriately modified and adapted to healthcare, they can help improve patients’ safety. There is much more to be learned from their Safety Culture of High Reliability Organizations. This article presents history of CRM in anesthesia and highlights importance of non-technical skills for safer anesthesia care.

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電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0021-4892 克誠堂出版


